Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Angry Letter Draft

94-509 Hoohele Pl
Waipahu, Hawaii 96797
December 14th, 2010

United States Postal Service,
94-245 Leoku Street
Waipahu, Hawaii 96797

Dear United States Postal Service,

For many years your mail carriers have delivered my parcels punctually. They have mostly gone out of their way to drive up my 75-foot driveway to make sure I get my mail and I am grateful for their service. However, there have been several incidents of what one could call “laziness” on the mail carriers part.

Sometimes bigger parcels aren’t delivered to me because the mail carrier didn’t want to get out of their car. There was one instance around April 2010 where my family and I were obviously home and the mail carrier drove into my driveway but neglected to ring the doorbell. He left a note saying that our package was not delivered. We were expecting the package and were upset that the mail carrier didn’t even bother ringing the doorbell.

Another happening concerning late mail was on Saturday, December 11th 2009. My neighbors were having a party and somebody’s car was blocking my mailbox. I was expecting a delivery that day because I had tracked the item on the USPS website and was not happy to have had to wait longer to receive my delivery.  I have read on the FAQ portion of the USPS website that “Mailbox blockage by a vehicle may also prevent the delivery of mail. According to our policy, the city or rural carrier should get out of the vehicle to make delivery if the mailbox is temporarily blocked by a vehicle. However, if the carrier continually experiences a problem in serving curbline or rural boxes where the customer is able to control on‑street parking, the postmaster may withdraw delivery service.”

My mailbox is normally unobstructed and this was just a once in a blue moon occurrence that there was a car in front of my mailbox. My driveway was also free of cars so the driver could’ve driven in to give me my parcel, but the postmaster had skipped my mailbox altogether. I can understand if the mailbox was being blocked for several occasions in a row, but I can’t grasp how hard getting out of a truck and walking 5 feet to put a package into my mailbox must be.

Without going into further detail, I’ll just sum up how many times our mail has not been delivered on time in the past year: 8 times. Many times it is because the weekend postmaster doesn’t want to either drive up my driveway to deliver the packages or doesn’t want to ring my doorbell to face us. I’ve noticed many times that when a package is not delivered; it’s on a Saturday. I don’t know if the Saturday postmen are working part time or seasonally, but its very exasperating to have missed a package on Saturday because mail isn’t delivered on Sundays.

            I am actually very disappointed with how my house is effectively “skipped” by the mailman. I feel that more specific changes towards the obstruction mail delivering policy and more disciplined weekend postmen would result in happier mail deliverers and receivers in Hawaii and around the world. With a stronger policy, if a customer comes in complaining, you can point them towards a line in the policy and they won’t be able to do anything but admit that they were wrong. In a sense, it ultimately works for both sides if the policy towards mail delivery is expanded upon.


Jorjiane Guasch

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